Check the Profiler box if you want to profile your code.
Profile code lines
Procedure calls are profiled automatically. You will usually profile line execution as well, unless you have a very large project and want to do a first pass with procedures only to identify the slowest modules, and then profile only these modules lines.
Data acquisition method
There are 2 different methods used for profiling:
The Internal way: timings are measured internally by the instrumented application, then written on a file; the Profiler can read this file at anytime.
The advantage of this method is that it is very fats and accurate when there is only one application to profile.
Also, it allows to measure timings on any machine, and read the resulting file on the VB Watch machine.
The External way: timings are sent in real time to the Profiler, which must be running at this moment (no worries, VB Watch takes care of it all).
The advantage of this method is that it is more accurate when more than one project is profiled at a time (e.g.: vbg groups). The reason is that with the Internal way, there is no way to know the overhead time of the other threads.
Another advantage is that it is a more reliable way for the Profiler to receive results: with some very particular projects, the Internal way may not work correctly - no file is output or it is incomplete. In this happens to you, please force the External way.
Profiler during data acquisition - External way
The Auto-Select setting will default to External in case of a project group, and Internal in any other case.